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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm all set to head into my High School Internship (40 hours) this Friday, and in conversation with the media specialist I'm a bit nervous about the collaboration portion of the assignment. Again, I'm discovering that my interpretation of collaboration is much more planning-heavy on my part. The high school classes are so tied in to their curriculum and set timeline that it is nearly impossible for me to come in and do any assignment that is supplemental. Rather, there are many opportunities I'll have to go into the small groups that meet in the media center and lab and help out in any way I can. There is a College Writing class that is coming in next week to use research databases so hopefully that's a chance for me to collaborate.

I'm hoping that by going in Friday I will have the chance to catch a few teachers that will be accommodating to what I need.

But right now I have a body-shaking headache which only an early bedtime will solve.

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